FLIPT Festival FARA SABINA, Saturday, June 23rd: Film “The Art of the Impossible”, first Italian screening of the documentary by Elsa Kvamme on Eugenio Barba and the Odin Teatret

FESTIVAL LABORATORIO INTERCULTURALE DI PRATICHE TEATRALI in collaborazione con I.S.T.A. International School of Theatre Anthropology diretta da Eugenio Barba dal  18 GIUGNO  al  1 LUGLIO  2018  Giunge alla sua XVIII edizione il FLIPT – Festival Laboratorio Interculturale di Pratiche Teatraliorganizzato […]

Articoli utili su #glitchart

How to glitch JPG images with data corruption 1.Il punk visivo della Glitch art di Martino Prendini: http://www.anatomiederform.com/blog/2015/06/il-punk-visivo-della-glitch-art/ 2. Glitch && Human/Computer Interaction Daniel Temkin, 2014 http://nooart.org/post/73353953758/temkin-glitchhumancomputerinteraction 3.Media Art Histories 2013:glitch art […]

What is CryptoArt?

ARTICOLO tratto da: https://www.artnome.com/news/2018/1/14/what-is-cryptoart CryptoArt are rare digital artworks, sometimes described as digital trading cards or “rares”, associated with unique and provably rare tokens that exist on the blockchain. The concept […]