![]() ![]() ![]() (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest (2005 – 2007)
/* my work incl’d in this exhibition. positioned as addressing GL1TCHYSTØRIES from perspectives that were presented as:
speaking of which my work in this exhibition is work on many different levels:
so these works incl’d in this exhibition expresses another specific form of genealogical rltns */ |
![]() Glitch Aesthetics – Iman Moradi (2004) |
“Pure Glitch Is the result of a Malfunction or Error. There is a great deal of scope in the discussion of what can be classed as a Glitch. Primarily, in a theoretical, scientific and non-art sense, a glitch is assumed to be the unexpected result of a malfunction. The word glitch was first recorded in English in 1962, during the American space programme, namely in the writings of John Glenn where it was used to “describe the problems” they were having. Glenn then gives the technical sense of the word the astronauts had adopted: “Literally, a glitch is a spike or change in voltage in an electrical current.” (John Glenn, cited in American Heritage Dictionary 4th Ed (2000) )” from: Glitch Aesthetics – Iman Moradi (2004) PROPOSAL FOR GL1TCHYSTØRIES: Claims have been staked in the unstable ground of Glitch Art hystories. Can multiple and parallel Media Art Histories of Glitch Art co-exist openly or do these instabilities represent glitches in histories themselves? /* staking claims in unstable grounds |
![]() Pete Conrad with U.S. Lunar Flag on Apollo 12 – November 1969
” Mayhaps this is a Glitch Era in which we experience a specific kind of breakage based on the broken promises of the Modern Era. An American Modernist promise of endless utopic improvements to life based on technologies, leading each generation beyond the apex of the last, into better and brighter tomorrows now appears clearly hollow and false. We humans live in a broken world, a technologized world of our own making. The technological is a socially constructed set of ideas and realizations of material power that shift and shape over times and fundamentally inform and affect our understandings of ourselves, glitches, nature, the natural world, the technological worl, specific Digital Art technologies and our Arts in Technological Times.” from: jonCates interviewed for AXIS 2013 INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL – Una Dimitrijevic (2013) /* why unstable grounds? based on brokenness, instabilities, on glitches + Glitch Art also, multiple definitions + differences can be identified between “glitch” + “Glitch Art”
multiple definitions co-exist, complicate or even include one another like playing a Glass Bead Game set in the future, the rules of which are unknown MEDIA ART HISTORIES /* recently i was invited to curate an exhibition + events series in Regina Canada in which i made certain claims explicitly + implicitly about glitch, Glitch Art + GL1TCHYSTØRIES |
![]() 2012: Year of the GLI.TC/H – SXSW (2013)
pre-glitch – GL1TCH.US – post-glitch @ SXSW – jonCates (2013) from jonCates on Vimeo. ![]()
“Dirty New Media is an idea i developed in 2005 as a part of a series of festivals i initiated and organized with Jon Satrom, Amanda Gutierrez, Jake Elliott, Jason Soliday, Arcangel Constantini, Juanjose Rivas and many others Dirty New Media artists… This series, called (A) r4WB1t5 micro.fest, was an international decentralized and open platform. Dirty New Media means dirty as in raw, direct, explicit, noisy. Or as i wrote in 2005, it also means dirty in the sense of broken, crashing, messy, desirous, leaky and open. My naming of Dirty New Media is also meant to imply the existence of a counter-example, i.e. to suggest that a category of “clean New Media Art” might exist that Dirty New Media Art could be an alternative to or in contrast with… Dirty New Media is a culture of what is now often known as Glitch Art. The terms Glitch Art and Dirty New Media are now often used in relation to one another and even used interchangeably to refer to the same art projects or similar theory-practices.” from: jonCates interviewed for AXIS 2013 INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL – Una Dimitrijevic (2013) |
Dirty New Media in Chicago AKA CH1C∆Gø D1RTY N3W M3DI∆ (2005 – present)