Boris Labbé è nato nel 1987 a Lannemezan (Alti Pirenei, Francia). Vive e lavora tra Francia e Spagna.Ha studiato presso la Scuola di Belle Arti di Tarbes (ESACT) e quella di cinema d’animazione ad Angoulême (EMCA). Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in mostre d’arte contemporanea in tutto il mondo (in spazi come: OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz; Aichi Triennale, Nagoya; National Art Center, Tokyo; Cinémathèque Québécoise, e Erarta Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art, San Pietroburgo), così come in oltre cento festival di cinema e video internazionali (tra cui Festival di Hiroshima, Trickfilm Festival e Animafest).
Ha ricevuto numerosi premi per il suo lavoro, come il premio speciale della giuria al Festival di Annecy Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Animazione nel 2012 per “Kyrielle”, il premio per Miglior videoinstallazione al Robot Festival di Bologna e al Multivision Festival di San Pietroburgo per “Danse macabre” (2013) tra gli altri. Questa videoinstallazione, esposta a Montreal, è ora nella collezione Cinémathèque Québécoise. Dopo un breve tour in tutto il mondo e molti riconoscimenti in festival rinomati (Annecy, Fantoche, BIAF, ritaglio Fest, Stoccarda …), il suo cortometraggio “rizoma” (2015), prodotto da Sacrebleu Productions, è stato premiato con il Grand Prize al Japan Media Arts Festival di Tokyo e con il Goden Nica Animation al Festival Ars Electronica di Linz.
October 11, 2024 — January 5, 2025
11 octobre 2024 — 5 janvier 2025
Artist: Boris Labbé
Curator: Judith Guez
Drawing has always been central to Boris Labbé’s life.
He is looking for several ways to express this material, to make it ” overflowing, crackling, crackling, proliferating, living” using several processes: from classical drawing to 3D animation, and from virtual reality to scenography and video installation.
In this exhibition Ito Meikyū (formula invented from a collage of two words: ito 糸 which means “thread” and, meikyū 迷宮 which means “labyrinth”) / Thread of wandering, the artist is inspired by what surrounds him, what he feels, what is not expressed.
He offers the viewer a wandering among these Things that emerge from his mind, without necessarily any link, and that appear to consciousness in a life journey.

The artist is guided by his moments of life, his travels, his encounters and his readings, in particular by classical art and Japanese literature. Her creative process echoes, among others, two major authors of the eleventh century, such as Murasaki Shikibu and the different scenes she imagines in the story of the Tale of Genji, or Sei Shōnagon in The Bedside Notes, with the “Things” listed in her diary with the “thread of the brush” of the feelings and emergences of her mind. Boris Labbé is also attached to the typical motif of traditional Japanese painting, The Fukinuki Yatai Technique
(translated as “roofs torn off by the wind”) which represents the interior of a building, seen from above, without a ceiling.
Through this composition, he explores the multiplicity of points of view, the interconnected narrative relationship, the almost encyclopedic panoramic vision, and the issues of associating geometries, motifs and characters.
The exhibition proposes to follow a continuous and impalpable thread between his works, which, like a labyrinthine path in his mind, takes the viewer into a loop, from drawing to virtual reality… and from virtual reality to drawing.
Words become lists, drawings become collections, their spatial arrangements become volume and architecture then deconstruction, and their multiplications become movement and repetition.
The work is indeed there: there is never an end, in the movement as long as life is there, as long as Things emerge from thought, then everything can be, and everything can begin again.
“Interior and exterior, transparency and opacity, exhibitionism and voyeurism, lightness and heaviness, feminine and masculine; All these notions oppose or unite in the infinite cycle of a labyrinth with no way out. »
Judith Guez
Curator of the exhibition
Qua una selezione delle opere video/virtuali:
VR 6DOF, installation.
20 min.
Ito Meikyū is a virtual reality experience that develops around references from Japanese art history and literature (The Fukinuki Yatai, The Tale of Genji, The Pillow Book) and unfolds as a large sensory fresco with strong emotional potential. A heterogeneous set of drawn, animated and sound scenes are taken from digital material; they recreate a kind of subjective world (inner and outer) in the form of a labyrinth composed of fractal architectures, inhabited by plants, objects, animals, men, women, motifs and calligraphy. The virtual wandering space allows us to access different scenes based on the randomness of our choices: a kind of hide-and-seek game with the universe at the centre of which we are the omniscient spectator.
Director : Boris Labbé
Animation : Boris Labbé, Capcine Latrasse, Ryo Orikasa
Music : Daniele Ghisi
Producer : Ron Dyens
Sacrebleu Productions / Box with a view – 2022
Drawing on paper, indian ink and watercolor, 2D/3D Computer.
As celestial beings descend to Earth vitiating its population, the world’s order unbalances. Initiated by these terms, a tragic fall leads to the parturition of crucial opposites: Hell and Heaven’s circles.
Lorsque les êtres qui habitent le ciel viennent contaminer ceux de la terre, l’ordre du monde est bouleversé. C’est le début d’une chute tragique de laquelle naîtront les enfers et, à l’opposé, les cercles du paradis.
14 min 22
Short film 2K, 24 f/s, 5.1 surround sound
Director : Boris Labbé
Music : Daniele Ghisi
Animation : Boris Labbé, Armelle Mercat, Hugo Bravo, Capucine Latrasse
Animation trainees : Claire Boireau, Edgar Collin, Johann Etrillard, Jean Gégout,
Alexis Godard, María José Suárez
Compositing : Boris Labbé, Sami Guellaï
Calibration : Yves Brua
Mixing : Régis Diebold
Producer : Ron Dyens
Sacrebleu Productions 2018
Drawing on paper, indian ink and watercolor, 2D Computer.
Approximately 3500 originals drawings 30 x 42 cm.
RHIZOME (Trailer)
From the infinitely small to the infinitely large, all things in the universe are tightly connected : they interact and restructure in a combination of movements and perpetual metamorphoses.
De l’infiniment petit à l’infiniment grand, toutes choses dans l’univers sont étroitement connectées les unes aux autres, en interagissant, en se recomposant, dans une combinaison de mouvements en perpétuelle métamorphose.
11 min 25
Short film 2K, 25 f/s, 5.1 surround sound
Director : Boris Labbé
Animation : Boris Labbé, Loïc Sitti, Wen Fan
Compositing : Boris Labbé, Sami Guellaï
Music : Aurélio Edler-Copes
Producer : Ron Dyens
Sacrebleu Productions 2015
Drawing on paper, indian ink and watercolor, 2D Computer.
Approximately 2300 originals drawings, from 30 x 42 and 60 x 84 cm.