Book trailer del libro La distruzione della Torre Eiffel di Jeton Neziraj256

We interviewed the digital artist Adam Pizurny specialized in the deformation / transformation of the face as a mask, from grafiti to live projection, from 3D animation to gif art. […]
At the core of this essay are the paradoxes of Kosovo, the youngest country in Europe as reflected in the theatre of Jeton Neziraj from Pristina, one of the most […]
Patriotic Hypermarket de Jeton Neziraj et Milena Bogavac traduit de l’albanais et du serbe par Karine Samardzija, avec la collaboration d’Arben Bajraktaraj (éditions l’Espace d’un instant) mise en scène Dominique Dolmieu avec Nouche Jouglet-Marcus, […]
RAI5: GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL TEATRO “Sabato, domenica e lunedì” e “Nuovo teatro in Kosovo” 27/03/2017 – 21:15 Il 27 marzo 2017 si celebra la Giornata mondiale del teatro, istituita a […]